Hammersmith and Fulham- Family Practitioner

Posted 19 July 2019
Salary £23 - £25 per hour
Job type Temporary
Discipline Social Care

Job description

This role will be to;

Leadership within the team

Although the post holder won't have any direct responsibilities / accountabilities for managing a team, they will be expected to model the values, behaviours, and practices of the organisation and act as an example to colleagues.

Contribution to a practice

Contribute to development and maintenance of a virtual practice in [Education / Family Support / Health] across the whole of the organisation. This entails working under the supervision of the Locality Manager leading the practice, and collaborating with colleagues to build up and maintain a set of resources and network of experts that colleagues across the organisation can draw upon for advice and guidance when supporting families.

Alongside practice development they will be expected to share their knowledge and experience with all colleagues across the organisation, as part of their day-to-day work.

Front-line service delivery

Manage a caseload of client families, acting as their first point of contact on behalf of Family Support. Support can take place in the family home, in the children's centres and in the local community, and at any time during the week, according to the needs of the family.

The support can include, but is not restricted to, families who:

  • Have no family network or have newly moved into the area, including families who have no recourse to public funds
  • Find themselves in unexpected circumstances such as bereavement, family illness or family separation
  • Face family crises, such as food poverty, financial or housing problems
  • Have a mother is suffering from post-natal depression or low mood, or where there is poor or disorganised attachment
  • Have a child or parent with a disability or special educational need, or mental health need
  • Have young parent, lone parent or father who is deemed vulnerable
  • Have a domestic violence, drug or alcohol abuse issue and/or other significant / serious issues affecting children's lives
  • Need support or guidance in parenting, dealing with children's challenging behaviour or coping with family life

Work with practitioners from other agencies (such as health, police, and schools) and voluntary groups to provide integrated preventative health and social care services with other organisations so that vulnerable families receive consistent, coordinated support that is centred around their needs.

To complete 1:1 support plan (and/or other agreed Outcomes) to establish a baseline, agree outcomes with family, and review and track progress against agreed outcomes regularly.

To ensure that the voices of children, young people and parents / guardians are sought, heard and represented appropriately. Make sure any child or parental feedback is logged, families tracked to ensure outcomes are sustained, and relevant evidence of impact given to the line manager.

Complete any case notes and service plans for each family in a timely manner in the appropriate system or repository, in line with the Family Support policies and procedures around information management.

If you are interested in this role please send your updated CV in the first instance.